Thursday, June 24, 2010


i have a ton of blackheads on my nose, a few pimples and a bunch of pimples under my skin on my forehead and chin. ive tried proactive, spectro jel, aveeno and noxema, which all worked a bit at first but then stopped. i was wondering if the clean and clear blackhead eraser would help my skin.

if you have any othe products to suggest that would be helpful too!

I bought one of those for my boyfriend for his birthday. I don't know if he uses it anymore but it seemed to help. [=CLEAN AND CLEAR BLACKHEAD ERASER?
the best thibg to do is to give your face a proper clean.

Get a bowl of boiling/steaming water and place your face OVER the bowl NOT in it. drape a tea/towel over your head and steam out your face. maybe for 10-15 mins or when theres no more steam.

this causes your pores to open up, clean themselves and sweat. its a really good starting point when taking care of your face and it really doesn't cost anything. repeat every few days or when ever needed.
well it actually works and yo hould use it
go to a dermatologist.

they're the only ones who can REALLY help.
I have it. It makes my face feel really fresh and clean but doesnt do much if you have a lot of blackheads and clogged pores. Nothing really does except going to a salon and having a professional give you a facial.
yes... i have one and it works like wonders... u should try it!

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